I woke in time for the last bit of sunrise, and repacked the suitcase that got knocked over in the wee hours on Aaron’s return. It was still only 6:30, so I dressed for another session in the gym… and took the elevator downstairs instead.

I wandered back to Victoria Park. As I’d anticipated, all through the park, people were exercising – and in some instances, dancing. There were at least three calisthenics groups and probably a dozen tai chi practices of varying difficulty.

I joined a morning calisthenics class of older women, which of course left me in the dust. I hung out on the edge trying to follow, when a passing woman took pity on me and coached me through some of the moves. It was gentler than the calisthenics I know (although we did do jumping jacks) – more stretching and balancing, and some influence of tai chi. Plus there was a point where we all rubbed our eye sockets and foreheads, and then the back of our heads, that felt simply wonderful.

Then I got even braver and stood on the outskirts of a tai chi practice opposite the Library, trying to follow that; I did recognize parts of the forms from the four morning sessions on the cruise, but I’m sure I was the source of much amusement. People were very polite, with encouraging smiles. [I felt very intrusive taking pictures, and only did it at a distance. Oh for a telephoto!]
It's been wonderful following your trips! Thanks for all the photos and posts.